Thank you for your Registration

We have sent you already an email with our account details for the membership fee.

As soon we have received your payment your membership will be active and you will receive a notification mail.

With an active membership you can login on this  website and update your profile and access ‘Members Only’ services we offer.

Payment Details

We currently only offer EFT or ATM deposit payments.

We have also sent you an email with the payment information.

EFT (bank transfer) payment:

Please make an EFT payment to:

Reference: Your name (please provide your full name)

Bank: Stanbic Bank

Account Name: Outdoor Adventures BW (Proprietary) Limited

Account: 9060003710950

Branch: CBD

Branch Code: 00651

STanbic atm deposit

How to do a deposite payment:

  1. Go to any Cash Accepting Stanbic Bank ATM throughout Botswana
  2. Click on “Cash deposit” on the screen
  3. Follow the screen prompts
  4. Enter account number 9060003710950 for Outdoor Adventures BW Pty Ltd
  5. On the reference page enter your Name (Name and Surname)
  6. Deposit your cash